About Us
The chair of continuum mechanics is active in developing methods for the continuum mechanical modeling and simulation of complex materials. Focus is on the development of scale-coupling numerical methods as well as new material models which enable the simulation of materials such as multiphase steels, textile membranes, soft biological tissues, fiber-concrete composites, or hardmetal composites by incorporating uncertainties at different scales. Increasingly, the experimental characterization of nonlinear material properties as well as the unique identification of material parameters become more important.


Chair of Continuum Mechanics

Ruhr-University Bochum
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Building IC Floor 03, Room 741,
P.O. Box No. 5,
Universitätsstraße 150

44801 Bochum

✆:  +49 234 32-26048
℻: +49 234 32-14229

We are always looking for motivated students who are interested in working on their thesis with us. If you are passionate about mathematics, engineering problems and have a flair for programming, have a look at the research that takes place at our chair. If we have kindled your interest, contact our secretary or your lecturer directly.

News from the Chair
News Spp2489

The sub-project proposals for the inaugural funding period of the DFG Priority Program 2489 were presented to the panel of reviewers in Bochum. As a member of the program committee, Daniel Balzani hosted the event, collaborating with the DFG. The event commenced with a presentation by program spokesperson Markus Kästner (TU Dresden), who elucidated the content and conceptual framework of the SPP.

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News Ortiz

The IUTAM Symposium on Computational Fracture Mechanics in Multi-Field Problems, organized by Kerstin Weinberg (Siegen) and Anna Pandolfi (Milan), was dedicated to the 70th birthday of Michael Ortiz (California Institute of Technology).

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News Schroeder

On the occasion of Professor Jörg Schröder’s 60th birthday, Dominik Brands and Alexander Schwarz, with the support of Daniel Balzani, Marc-Andre Keip, Tim Ricken, and Lisa Scheunemann, organized a scientific symposium.

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The LKM members involved in the Ferrite.jl development, namely Maximilian Köhler, Abdulaziz Mohamed and Dennis Ogiermann, have given talks on this years FerriteCon at Chalmers University of Technology in Götheborg. Their presentations cover latest development updates on adaptive mesh refinement, local time stepping and efficient solver technology.

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LV Longitudinal Strain Peak

This year, the LKM was again represented at the CIM2 Symposium with a presentation by Dennis Ogiermann. He shared findings from simulation models on the effects of residual stresses in the left ventricle. The Thunderbolt.jl software framework developed at the chair was used for the studies.

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